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Deploy a custom account implementation

ERC-6551 (the proposal that introduces a new standard to the Ethereum chain, that enables Tokenbound accounts) introduces a new relationship, not a new standard for ERC721 tokens and the token owners.

The components include a Registry contract - specific to the chain and an account implementation contract - a common interface offered by Tokenbound that ensures the accounts are deployed to the same address across all chains. It is possible to use your own custom implementation contract as well and that is what this guide will walk you through 🚶‍♀️

erc6551 diagram


Clone the reference repository

$ gh repo clone erc6551/reference

Build the contracts

$ forge build


set an account’s private key in .env with key PRIVATE_KEY and RPC url with key RPC_URL

forge create src/examples/simple/SimpleERC6551Account.sol:SimpleERC6551Account --rpc-url=$RPC_URL --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY

The output should look something like:

[⠢] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped
Deployer: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266
Deployed to: 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3
Transaction hash: 0xb6c98880b4c92d2f5b2dc329f34b9d431e14a6a8648bb3a3f7dde2c454df4a79

Now whenever you initialise the SDK, you can override the default token implementation by specifying your implementation’s contract address instead:

import { TokenboundClient } from "@tokenbound/sdk";
export const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(RPC);
export const wallet = new Wallet(process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT, provider);
const tokenboundClient = new TokenboundClient({
  signer: wallet,
  chainId: 31337,
  implementationAddress: ACCOUNT_IMPLEMENTATION as `0x${string}`